Welcome to Ashwood Drug Rehabilitation

If you’ve found yourself addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may not know where to turn for help. The menacing disease has probably left you shaken and confused. If you’re scared, don’t worry. With the assistance of an experienced drug rehab center, treating the disease of addiction has never been simpler. With a good attitude, commitment, and compliance one of our addiction recovery facilities will guide you through the perils and uncertainty of addiction recovery. You will find that addiction is an illness that requires comprehensive and structured treatment. Only with deliberate steps can you kick your dependence and find a new life full of joy, passion, and reward.


Get the proper care you need for your addiction.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an addiction, contact us today and we will put together a plan that will work for the situation at hand.

Quick facts about our clinic

See what we provide for your health